Lets just finish the ceiling prep
We started in the bedroom and that’s all we were going to do, but why stop there as it was a dirty job. So it was out with the scrapers again to remove the form underlay, only another 8 meters to go. I so much love working over my head.
Now to start on the new ceiling.
Well it’s now time to start on the new bedroom ceiling as It had to be finished so I could fix the roof above. Des had the sheetmetal already, so it was time to cut it up and start fitting it up in place.
Now the fun beginnings of positioning them in place with Charmaine’s help and some timber I think we can do it. This will be done one sheet at a time as gluing them in place takes 24hrs, then the pop riveting and then we do it all over again with the next one.
Now that we have done the ceiling in the bedroom, the rest will have to wait for another day and another blog.
What a lot of skills you have to learn to fit out a bus. Nice work.
I think it’s doing my head in some times, but we will get there. Way more to learn as the project moves on.