The last of the wall to go in.

It’s so nice to finish off the wall at last.

After starting on the bedroom wall at the Bowen house sit, now at a house sit in Laidley Heights a year and a bit later it’s finally time to finish them. With the floor down and the front window in place, all that needs to be done is to cut the ply to length with the window cutouts. I’ve packed more insulation around the window with some 12v and 240v cables to go into place.

Four more panels to go.
The walls are going up again.
Just the NOT so much fun one to cut on this side now.
This side’s not so bad to cut to size.
Lots of wires everywhere.

I’m glad that all the wires have been tagged both ends, otherwise I’d have a hell of a time working out what I have put where. On the passenger side window I have painted some of it black as I’m covering some of it up. I will be putting in insulation where I had painted.

Screwing and glueing time again.
Well that fitted like a glove, more ass than class.
Good to see all the walls up.
All done.
Only one side painted as the other side of the coach has stuff everywhere.

Apart from where the new door will go in and around the driver’s seat all the wall panels are in place. We are still looking at different products to finish off the walls, but that will do for now.



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