All posts by Bernie Cross

The Bedroom Floor

Motorhome Madness

We started working on the coach when we were down in Leigh Creek which was around two  years ago now. I started by stripping out the old toilet down the back as this is where we would like the bedroom to go.

We started pulling things apart and should have know as a past chippy myself, that the job was bigger than we originally thought. As I started taking the loo apart I realised that it had been leaking for quite a while, (how long no one knows)….. not outside,  just under the floor so their were pools of slop and rust under the timber flooring. YUCK!

The old toilet and black water tank.
Just a bit wet and rusty under the old loo.

Clean up time

Some days you think to your self ……why did I start this motorhome project? …… but then, envisioning the big picture …’s going to be our permanent home.  The though of not having to pack up a house ever again makes these shitty jobs bearable.

So we started grinding the rust off and sanding the metal back which was a bit like a chemical shit storm in the coach, thank goodness for dust masks!  After the dust had settled and was cleaned up in was time for some painting.

No more rust and first coat of paint to stop the rust coming back

Water proofing the floor

It might be over kill but bugger it,  we though even if the roof leaks we know the floor is not going to rust again. So I used some polyurethane floor paint inside the back floor, with two coats before the flooring went down.

The floor is now water proof so no more rust

Flooring getting laid

Now the fun bit cutting up the timber to size, we are putting in a flat floor so the old aisle will no longer be there.  We will however  be able to use it as storage in some places and ducting in some other areas. Screwing as well as gluing the floor went down just fine.   We will be having an access point to get into the gearbox under the gas strutted bed.

Access to get to the gearbox just in case.
The bedroom floor in place and painted with concrete paint.

Life’s a Beach

A Beautiful Day

We would like to open our first blog with you asking yourself some important questions….
What do you strive in life to have?  What’s important to you?  What will be with you when you leave and will be with those you love most?
The most important part of why we are taking on this adventure is for beautiful memories…
Fingal Heads looking north
Just this weekend Bernie and I had a beautiful time down Fingal Head & Daydream beach with two of the Rocks kids, Jc and Mia.
Bernie, Charmaine, Jc & Mia
Meet Jc
Meet Mia

Special Places

This place is very special to all of us in many different ways….We used to come here many years ago when the kids were much smaller….(Mia and Jc would have been 8 and 10 years old). You only realise time has gone by so fast when your kids comment that you are so small compared to them…actually I think they have just remembered how big I looked in comparison in those days proportionate to their size at the time. lol
It was so nice just to sit back at watch the Jc and Mia play as they used to on the beach….here is a video of them running around and having fun…

Do We Ever Grow Up

Lets hope not!!!

Another Great Day

Been at this beach had welled up a lot of emotion in us all as we sat on the beach…. it came in waves just the same as the sea, in ebbs and flows. We hugged, cried, laughed and reminisced.
 We all said, all we need is Zac here, maybe next time.