Product Promotion through Big Bus Big Adventure

Conscious Consumerism 

There are thousands of products these days and we are all spoilt for choice in every direction we turn. We go out to the local shops and our huge shopping centres with their half empty shop fronts that promise the world but most times don’t deliver a true Aussie product.

Most people are unconscious consumers when it comes to buying and only look at the price. Is it on special? Is is a brand I am emotionally attached to? One huge question is…do I really need it. The answer is usually NO.

Being A Conscious Consumer

Bernie has been asked by people travelling if we promote any products and the answer has been always a no. It’s far more important when starting out to be a conscious consumer. What is that? You may be asking….  ask yourself the right questions. ……Where is that product made? Is it promoting Aussie jobs? Is it doing a benefit for my body and health? Is it a quality product or just a brand name? Is it something that correlates with my belief systems? Where is my money going? Church people all around Australia do not give money to the church they do not believe in, ….. so what is any different when buy a product?

This journey of conscious consuming does not come easily to any of us these days,…..why is that so? I can only think of one large word to answer this…CONSUMERISM!!!!.

Bernie and I feel that it is important to firstly inspire people to find their own moral compass…whatever that maybe.  Obviously, we both use and buy products for cleaning, bathing, and restoring our health and wellbeing, These mostly correlate with our belief systems,  but not all the time, … we are on our own  journey of rediscovery ourselves and are far from any end.

We both want to encourage people to find what works for you,  if you have found something that works for you,  please just add a comment, as it may help someone else on their own journey as well….Let’s learn together!

In the next few weeks and months Bernie and I will be putting more blogs up in the ‘Conscious Consumerism’ category.

Have a great Day!

Ps. If you want to read another great blog, read Alden Wicker’s on March 01/2017 …

3 thoughts on “Product Promotion through Big Bus Big Adventure”

  1. I agree. Your bus would make a great billboard for Australia first always just to remind people of the importance that fact. xx

    1. We have been looking into selling advertising space on the bus at some stage to go towards the rego, all helps to keep costs to a down.

  2. Yes, it’s really sad to see how much consumerism in general has affected families every day lives. We really need to ask ourselves the hard questions when it comes to giving over our hard earned cash/card…Do we really need that?

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