Our weekly food bill…

Keeping costs down

The cost of the weekly food bills are going up…this is a fact. So how do we make the most of our hard-earned money when it comes to shopping? There are so many things all of us can do to keep the cost down.

Grocery advice on specials

I personally do not have time to troll through the specials that come in the mail or through targeted emails from our favourite grocery stores. Most of the basic advice on doing the shopping I do adhere to……The top of my list is that I do not go to do grocery shopping  when I am hungry, this is very useful for me keep in mind.

A basic shopping list

I used to have a basic shopping list of what I had to get and then top it up with things that caught my eye, but even this approach to shopping would have me spending way more than I had expected by the end.

Under $10 meal deals

Some supermarkets are trying to help families out by making $10  meal ideas, these are good if you have family and have trouble thinking outside the box. There are a few problems I have with this marketing angle from certain supermarkets.

  1. Most meals require you to buy a lot more than is needed for that one meal.
  2. A lot of the meals don’t cater for those with diet requirements.
  3. I have noticed that a lot of these meals do not have quiet enough veggies in them for our daily requirements.

I have at times made meals using these recipes and have frozen the rest for more meal later as there are only two of us. I have also reduced the amount of meat in these recipes an added more veggies which significantly brought the cost of the meals down to even $6 instead of $10.

If you adapt you will save…Big time!!

Just recently I have decided to take a whole new approach to shopping and am saving a lot of money….Be on the look out for my next blog where I will explain it in detail.