More door problems

The door’s broken again

After a quick fix when driving from Alice springs to the QLD coast in 2016, the bottom door bracket has snapped for the second time. The make shift bracket had done a good job as I had to make it out of what I could find in the bus on the side of the road. This bracket gave up the ghost while staying in Toowoomba, So time to make a new one that should last till we fit a new door in the next year or so.

Bugger the temp one broke.
This was the bracket I had made up on the side of the road.
Not muck room to work with.
The new one will have to look something like this one, but straight.

New bracket time

So of to the shop to get some plate metal or something the can be modified to do the job. I found a bracket that can be cut to size, so back to the bus to make it up.

marking out the new bracket.
Some holes will help.
Reenforcing plate.

This time I’ll also make an extra plate to stop the flexing, as this why the old one broke.

Just need to bend it into shape.
This should work till we replace the door.
All good so far.
Shouldn’t break now from flexing.
All fixed till We replace the door.

Well another job done and so much more to do. The good thing was we are camping and not on the road, so had more time to fix this time. This build is taking longer than we would like, but living in a bus that your turning into a motorhome makes life more interesting at the least.