Category Archives: Working on the road

No Cash No Coffee

The introduction of a cashless society

Just recently, I heard that some companies are doing away with cash transactions all together and card only will be excepted with these certain establishments. Bernie and I are totally doing the opposite when it comes to starting our coffee shop on the road….That’s right you heard it here first!…Bernie has a great idea to use part of the bin space under the bus near the front door for our pull out cafe.

Affordable food on the road

Right now it’s just an idea, a concept that has to be fully planned out, but one thing is for sure we are only selling to people with notes and coins and not card. This is one way to keep costs down so we can make good quality organic food and coffee more affordable to those on the road.  Why give the banks our profits when we can give it back to our customers instead.

Empower people to make a real choice

Some people may say that this is going to make us loose customers, yeh that’s most probably true. Providing a cash only cafe gives the people the money in their pockets and not the banks. We want to empower people to have the choice in making real savings without loosing out on quality, these days this very choice is getting much much harder to find. If the banks show some initiative and offer a better solution to cashless transactions then of course we would consider it, but until then, it’s cash.

Another way we want to be empowered to save is to encourage people to use their own cups and get a further discount on their coffee purchase, we may call it something like ‘your cup discount’. We are all for recycling as much as possible and help customers do the same. If you have a good idea please leave a comment and we may use it….all ideas are helpful.

Remembering Camel Cup 2016

Camel cup pictures for 2017

Last month our current house sitters were at Uluru (Ayers Rock) for a visit and also visited the camel farm while there. It is that time of the year at the end of May when the cameleers get to race between themselves and have a fun day.

To our surprise Ken and Leanne found a picture of Bernie and I on the promotional material for this years  2017 Camel Cup, two photos in fact. Bernie and I had a fantastic day last year and it was the highlight of our stay at the farm.

We made it into the Uluru camel cup 2017 program guide.
Coming in 1st, very happy. 2016
1st place heat 4

Camels are sensitive creatures

Camels are such beautiful creatures and very patient, much more patient that a horse will every be. Yes they can occasionally vomit all over you but that is only if they are really scared. You see camels are very sensitive creatures and highly emotional, they are very perceptive to your emotion.

Camel love

Last year when we were there, I decided that if I was going to work with such sensitive large animals, that best way for them to know that I am a friend and not out to hurt them was to refrain from eating meat as much as possible while I worked with them. Over the weeks,  I forgot about the strict ‘not eating meat rule’,  one of the cameleers cooked a delicious chicken meal for everyone in the house. The little experiment I had haphazardly decided to do came all to clear to me the very next morning.

Frustrated cameleer

I was one frustrated cameleer! For the very first time the camels were turning their noses up at me, not listening or coming to me like they usually did all the past weeks. They would not sit still and putting a nose line on most of them was much more difficult that usual. What the hell was going on?? By this stage it had not occurred to me at all that the camels very well could be sensing  or smelling the meat I ate the pervious night.

When I got home I told Bernie about the odd behaviour that all of the camels exhibited towards me through the shift and how frustrating it was. I have seen them do these types of behaviour to other certain cameleers but not to me. Was I doing something wrong, did I have a new perfume or deodorant? mmm no…..Bernie just replied ‘well babe you did eat meat for the first time in weeks remember? Huh true…..well I made sure I never did that again while working there, sensitive creatures they are for sure.