Tag Archives: House on wheels

Big Bus Big Adventure Air Conditioner ???

Is The Air Conditioner Working

The condenser unit was fitted in the front bin on the drivers side and only had an out vent so if the bin door was closed, things didn’t work that well. This should have been one of the first things  that I should have fixed, but as we were not on the road much I didn’t think about it at all. Now after driving from S.A. to N.T. and now into QLD, it was defiantly time to fix it.

Only one vent that didn’t work to well.
Air-con that was fitted.

Time For Some Modifications

To start with we had to seal the air-con unit to the outside bin door, so off to the hardware store for some sheetmetal. Ended up getting some flashing which would mean I would not have to bend any 90 angles. So out with the tin snips and pop rivet gun to make some ducting.

Made up some ducting to get the air out.
Rubber seals in place so the hot air only go’s outside.

Time For Some Intake Vents

Now all we had to do was the intake vents,  I thought three would do for a start and thats all they had at the hardware. So back to the coach I went to start fitting the intake vents. First off was to mark out the holes for the vents then cut them out.

Marked and cut out ready for the new vents
New vents in place so no more over heating while driving down the road.

One Cool Motorhome.

Now that job is done It’s so much cooler inside when driving down the road. Also when we stay somewhere I don’t have to open up the air-con’s bin door again, now that all the hot air is blown outside.



Time To Fix The Motorhome Roof

Why Is It Wet In Here?

The only time it’s good to have a leaky roof is when their is nothing to get damaged inside. After a year thinking the roof was ok in Leigh Creek, we started having problems with the roof again. Mainly because where we moved to rained a bit more. To start off we thought it was only the fiberglass panels that were replaced from the old original bus windows that Des had fitted.

Thanks to Zac for his great help in getting the huge job started by cutting out the old Sikaflex. I was working six days a week @ Curtin Springs Station N.T., all I could manage was regluing after work. It did stop the water coming in around the fiberglass panels.

Fiberglass panels before we reglued then back in place.
Panels from inside

Its Still Wet In Here.

Our first house sitting job was in Bowen for Michael and Michelle. We had no rain forecast for the next few days so Charmaine and myself started on the roof to fix the rest of the leaks. The first job was to remove the solar panels and hatches from the roof.

Time to take the sola panels off
Removed the Solar panels now the hatches.
Time to start sanding back the roof.

The Fun Starts Now …….Not !!!

The fun of sanding back the old paint job as well as getting rid of the surface rust around the hatches. It was one of those jobs you love to hate, but had to be done, so with buckets of water and sanding paper in hand it was head down & ass up and off to work we go.

Rust all gone
Roof all sanded back and cleaned.

I Do Like Painting

Time to undercoat….. we had been so lucky as it had been raining all the way around us and only that a couple of rain drops on the coach. So after I Sikaflexed all the joints it was time to undercoat using  some Infrared Heat Reflective Primer.

1st undercoat.
Second undercoat, ended up with three coats
Infrared Heat Reflective Primer

Now for the topcoat, the best part of the job as it’s almost done. Des (the bloke we got the coach before us), had already paid for the paint, so now it was time for three topcoats.

Topcoat Solar Reflective Elastic Ceramic Membrane.
The roof finished with three topcoats
No more leaks on that area now.
A Job Well Done

So after four days we had finish painting the roof and the inside temp had gone down at least 4 degrees. The paint was a polyurethane membrane which meant no more water leaking when it rained and would be a lot cooler in summer. We just have to remove the old air conditioner unit which is now under the solar panels. This is way down the back of the coach once done the roof will be totally finished off, in time this back area will also have a deck for us one day.




Product Promotion through Big Bus Big Adventure

Conscious Consumerism 

There are thousands of products these days and we are all spoilt for choice in every direction we turn. We go out to the local shops and our huge shopping centres with their half empty shop fronts that promise the world but most times don’t deliver a true Aussie product.

Most people are unconscious consumers when it comes to buying and only look at the price. Is it on special? Is is a brand I am emotionally attached to? One huge question is…do I really need it. The answer is usually NO.

Being A Conscious Consumer

Bernie has been asked by people travelling if we promote any products and the answer has been always a no. It’s far more important when starting out to be a conscious consumer. What is that? You may be asking….  ask yourself the right questions. ……Where is that product made? Is it promoting Aussie jobs? Is it doing a benefit for my body and health? Is it a quality product or just a brand name? Is it something that correlates with my belief systems? Where is my money going? Church people all around Australia do not give money to the church they do not believe in, ….. so what is any different when buy a product?

This journey of conscious consuming does not come easily to any of us these days,…..why is that so? I can only think of one large word to answer this…CONSUMERISM!!!!.

Bernie and I feel that it is important to firstly inspire people to find their own moral compass…whatever that maybe.  Obviously, we both use and buy products for cleaning, bathing, and restoring our health and wellbeing, These mostly correlate with our belief systems,  but not all the time, …..as we are on our own  journey of rediscovery ourselves and are far from any end.

We both want to encourage people to find what works for you,  if you have found something that works for you,  please just add a comment, as it may help someone else on their own journey as well….Let’s learn together!

In the next few weeks and months Bernie and I will be putting more blogs up in the ‘Conscious Consumerism’ category.

Have a great Day!

Ps. If you want to read another great blog, read Alden Wicker’s on March 01/2017 …

Why Don’t I Have Power

First Day On The Road

Leaving Leigh Creek S.A  on the start of our new life, We had to be in Yulara to start work in five days. With a smile on our faces the next stop was port Augusta for the night, then head north on the Stuart Hwy. The coach was packed full with only room down the front for our bed and some were to cook on the road.

On the road camping in the coach all packed up.

Too Good To Be True

All was going fine, then I started to lose a little bit of power we were only 150 klms  down the road and almost to Hawker. Just an other 140 ks to Port Augusta I thought, then the gauges on the dash started flutter around. Thats when the coach started to drop the RPM of every 30 klms…. I was losing around 100-150 RPM, it looked like some electrical gremlin had raised it’s ugly head. We made it into Port Augusta but just at a max speed of 60k/h, fill it up at the first servo we came to. After a 750 Lt hole in my pocket an 1000 Lt tank sounds great till you have to fill it up.

Let’s Sleep On It

After a good nights sleep it was off to the truck work shop across the road. They just so happen to have someone free to start working on it there and then…  How good was that?  So off we to the shops to stock up on things you can’t get in the middle of nowhere. ( Yulara NT).

Back at the workshop they had found after 3 hrs it was not an electrical problem at all but a fuel supply problem…..in particular the in tank filter. Bugger I’d just filled the bloody thing up and now It has to drain the hole lot, so 5 x 205 Lt drums later it was 5pm on a Friday night and the filter was out.

Who puts a filter inside a 1000Lt tank?
Diesel Tank out put

Back On the Road

So by Monday afternoon, the filter was clean, pumping the diesel back into the tank, we’re back on the road.

Curtain Springs to Alice

But about 9 months later driving into Alice Springs….. Oh bugger it’s happening again!  With only 450 Lt in the tank and some drums from a caravan park,  we drained the tank again. This time it was modification time because that filter was not going back in again. Some more shopping in Alice and a movie it was back to fix the filter system for good.

New fuel filter train.
New diesel filter on the outside with ballcock valves so I can have it cleaned in 20min.

We are still getting sludge out of the tank I’ve cleaned it out about 5 times now, but the tank is slowly cleaning it’s self out. I just have to remember to turn the valves back on after I clean the filter,  yes I did forget the first time and had to bleed the diesel pump to get it going again. You only ever do it once..

The Joy of House Sitting

Home Away from Home

Currently we are on our third house sit and this is our longest one yet….it’s for 6 months. This is really good for us with such a big project, as it give us time to work on finishing off the bedroom and start on the bathroom. When the weather is good, I am get to pulling out the rest of the old air-con unit on the roof too. There are still holes to patch up, plus a bit of  water proofing, since we are putting a roof top deck some time later on.  Having a shed a the house to store our stuff makes it so much easier than trying to work around all that crap you still need.

We didn’t think we had so much stuff still, but every time we stop there is less to move.

Pets in all shapes and sizes…

The main part of most house sitting is looking after the family animals both big and small….. so far it’s been from cats to cattle. Our first sit was in Bowen for Michael & Michelle they have 13 acres about 20 mins out of town. We looked after their property for three weeks through the Christmas /New year time so they could go on a family holidays with their son, Jay.  They have two lovely and very affectionate Border Collies, Buddy has long hair and Rosie has the shorter hair. They have two outside cats, one ginger in colour called Tom and Timmy is grey, all of them warmed to us very well.

Our February house sit was in Sarina Rangers, QLD,  in a  peaceful place that has a lovely running (all year) creek that is great for swimming and a cool down in the heat. Which we did almost everyday. We looked after Tyson and  Tommy Tigger, four cow + one bull. This was a different house sit as we stayed in the coach half parked in their shed. Elaine and her partner,  were in the middle of building their new house. Our blog top photo was taken by her, it was such a good photo we had to share it! It will be nice to pop in an visit them on our way up north next time.

The coach didn’t make it all the way in, at least the solar panels still got the sun.
The house was being built so it’s really a shed sit
Best friends Tyson (L) and Tommy Tigger (R)
We look after all kind of pets when your house sitting
One happy bull to have 4 cows to look after.

Then you think it couldn’t get better we had our own creek to swim in every day.

It’s a hard life house sitting at Sarina Range, QLD
We had to take Tyson for a swim or did he take us every day. lol
The creek in motion.

Chuwar near Ipswich is our new house sit at the moment, we are here for 6 months.  We are looking after two dogs, Kingston and Lexy as well as  Charlie the cat.

This is Kingston, still missing mum and dad, some days more than others.
This is Lexy (sexy Lexy we affectionately call her)
This is Charlie.

In addition we get to eat all the fruits, herbs and veggies of other peoples labour, how good it this!

Just one or two Paw Paw, so sweet an delicious.
We will be dehydrating most of the bananas and giving some to family.
Chuwar house sit Dragon fruit.

House sitting has turn out to be one of the best ideas Charmaine’s come up with. We have pets to cuddle and love part time, as well as meeting some loverly people on our adventure around Australia. So click this link to go to aussiehousesitters it is a great way to get out of the motorhome for a short break or long one, whatever suits you. Housesitting has given us time to keep fitting out the coach, one house sit at a time.

The Bedroom Floor

Motorhome Madness

We started working on the coach when we were down in Leigh Creek which was around two  years ago now. I started by stripping out the old toilet down the back as this is where we would like the bedroom to go.

We started pulling things apart and should have know as a past chippy myself, that the job was bigger than we originally thought. As I started taking the loo apart I realised that it had been leaking for quite a while, (how long no one knows)….. not outside,  just under the floor so their were pools of slop and rust under the timber flooring. YUCK!

The old toilet and black water tank.
Just a bit wet and rusty under the old loo.

Clean up time

Some days you think to your self ……why did I start this motorhome project? …… but then, envisioning the big picture …..it’s going to be our permanent home.  The though of not having to pack up a house ever again makes these shitty jobs bearable.

So we started grinding the rust off and sanding the metal back which was a bit like a chemical shit storm in the coach, thank goodness for dust masks!  After the dust had settled and was cleaned up in was time for some painting.

No more rust and first coat of paint to stop the rust coming back

Water proofing the floor

It might be over kill but bugger it,  we though even if the roof leaks we know the floor is not going to rust again. So I used some polyurethane floor paint inside the back floor, with two coats before the flooring went down.

The floor is now water proof so no more rust

Flooring getting laid

Now the fun bit cutting up the timber to size, we are putting in a flat floor so the old aisle will no longer be there.  We will however  be able to use it as storage in some places and ducting in some other areas. Screwing as well as gluing the floor went down just fine.   We will be having an access point to get into the gearbox under the gas strutted bed.

Access to get to the gearbox just in case.
The bedroom floor in place and painted with concrete paint.