Tag Archives: Modification

The ceiling and Air-con down the front part 1

A Bigger job than it looks

The last owner had put some sheet aluminium across the top of the  front windscreen then fitted the Air-con there. This might have been ok then, but now things  will have to change. I was going to make this  one of the last jobs to do, but now it will have to be done before I can go any further .

The old Air-con set up.

To start with I will have to remove some of the old overhead T.V. cabinet to make room for the air-con. I must admit I do like pulling things apart, then trying to work out how I’m suppose to make it fit back together again.

Screws and pop rivets holding things on.
the thing you have to do to move the air-con, there go’s the clock.
This job is turning out to be bigger than I thought.
Carpet ripped off and all other trim gone.

As you can see the air-con will not fit in the old T.V. hole, so I will have to make out where I have modify this section. before I go to far There is some 240v and 12v cables to run around behind where the air-con will go, I thought it might be a good time before I make it to hard for myself later on.

240v and 12v cables that I can think of for the passenger side.
The switch board will be above the drivers seat some were.

Now out with the grinder for lots of noise and dust, as it’s time to make a space for the air-con.

Making space for the air-con.
you can see where I’ve run the power.


What a mess.

Now to start fixing this mess

As you can imagine nothing on the coach is square, so I can only cut and fit the ply one pice at a time. I can then work out where the next pice will go and what shape it will be. First of will be the backing board that will give me some thing to work from.

First pieces going into place.
You just have to make it up as you go a long sometimes.
There are lot’s of thing to think of When you are making thing on the go.
The slot on the bottom of the side panel is for the air-con pipe’s.
power for a light later on.
Panel to fit the air-con to.

Let’s see if the air-con fit’s

To start with pulling thing apart so that I don’t stuff things up. There is not much room to play with or put things apart from hopping the stuff does not break.

Well this is going to be fun.

Well all I have to do now is some how by myself lift the air-con into place, holding the pipe work at the same time shape the pipes into their new area.

Well it fit’s, but just, now to move the air-con pipe work.

That’s all for this blog, more to come soon.